
Loom Monitoring System for Textiles

Datalog Online Monitoring System for Looms is an interactive real-time control system and centralized monitoring system for weaving in the textile industry.The Loom Data Logging System collects data from each loom and processes it to generate useful reports to ensure the smooth running of all operations resulting in higher profits. The performance of each loom in the textile mill is continuously monitored by the system, which prevents unwanted stoppages and increases productivity. 

Products Range :-

Datalog Online Monitoring System Available for Looms of Any Type, Any Make, Any Model, Manufacturing Any Product.

Benefits of Datalog Online Loom Monitoring System & Loom Data Logger

Production, Stoppage & Efficiency Monitoring

Air Consumption Monitoring

Power Monitoring

Humidity & Temperature Monitoring

Reports, Graphs and Screens

  • Production I Stoppage  | Efficiency
  • Efficiency Trend  | Stop Graph
  • True Drill Down Long Term Reports (From Macro to Micro Level)
  • Efficiency Trend Graphs of  Year, Month, Day
  • All Reports can viewed by Machine I Style I Weaver I Supervisor I Department
  • Assigned Men
  • Snap Study
  • Exception Reports
  • Stop Bar Graph to show Machine Running / Stop over a selected period
  • Speed Graph
  • Roll Doff Reports
  • Beam Planning & Unassigned Beam Reports.
  • Crimp report
  • Performance  Report
  • Long Term Report
  • Monthly Report
  • User Reports
  • Weavers Comparison
  • Supervisor Comparison
  • Loom Comparison
  • Style Comparison
  • Weekly Reports
  • Monthly Reports
  • Hourly Reports
  • Two / Three Shifts Reports
  • Power Consumption (KVA,KWh)
  • Voltage
  • Current
  • Power Factor
  • Frequency
  • Instantaneous CFM Report
  • Average CFM Report
  • Cumulative CFM
  • Meter/KG Report
  • Temperature & Humidity Graph & Report

  • Fabric Defect Report

Models & Optional Attachments for Loom